Welcome to my new paintlog, I am playing lizzies for a long time now but am repaiting my army. I have also a almost finished dark elves army and...
Hi, In a few months I will be playing at a dutch 1000pt tournement, this time I want to bring my lizardmen army repainted. So this tournement...
Hi here are some pictures of my lizies how i am going to repaint them, not yet sertant wich type of gold and other details, shield going bleu I...
Maybe I will do this: Old blood on Carnosaur, General 451PT + Light armor, Shield + Scimitar of the last resplendent + 5+ wardsave Skink Chief...
Thanks for they advice I am started thinking with other list maybe, you will here it soon.
Hi, I am a haven't played Warhammer for maybe 2 years, and I want to make a restart. The first army I wanted to update was my Lizardmen army. I...