@Crowsfoot what would you suggest for my metalic scales idea on top of what this fellow does?
I'm working on a triple header here: it'll be not only my personal army's fluff piece, but also the short story contest entry AND a short story...
I need some like in depth, step by step instructions. If I know exactly what I have to do, I can refine my technique and practice until it gets there.
Pshhh. Obviously lizardmen need priority. Those other races are lame. Come on! We're the anti chaos daemons!
Absolutely. If you give them the old one they get an extra mount bite And quite a few attacks of their own PLUS rerolls. In our first match, with...
Mmm edging each scale? That will be fun! I'm going through some more colour schemes. I decided my test on the shields is a keeper: it's black...
Hey guys! So yesterday in my local shop, I played a game with my roommate (it counted for our escalation match lol) that was actually based off...
The pile of failed experiments and the evolution of the desert scheme. Current winner is white primer, ushabti bone base, sepia shade and...
"Big Boss" made me laugh far too much. I imagine a War boss in a business suit at a conference table with other Bosses and they're all scrunched...
So, I've done one saurus warrior in my theoretical colour scheme and I'm not at all happy with it. It seems bogged down by way too many heavy...
My GW store manager said we're due for a new release and what's happening is usually what goes on before. It should be soon!
Thanks for the welcome. <3 I've been here less than a week but I can see a well knit and not only knowledgeable but very helpful community. Many...
Omg that's great n8. I love it. I think you're right. The picture isn't one of my new ones, but that's what the scales end up looking like. What...
Hello folks! I guess I forgot to pop my head in here before posting, hahaha. So about me: I'm pretty new to the wargaming scene. I've been...
Your photoshop skills are sexy. Okay, the skin is good. That's pretty much what I'm after. For the scales, I used the Deadthclaw brown and...
I'd love to start learning those layers and edge highlights. I've been watching miniwargaming J religiously. I may be new, but I want these guys...
What does that mean, do you think? Are they replacing them for newer models?
First of the Brightscales. Fluff coming soon.
First of the Brightscales. I like the deathclaw brown for their backs underneath the gold! Lots more to do still, obviously. Thoughts?