so i just recieved my tome and cards and immediately i can see that there is no wounds restriction on the bound balewind vortex. trog on a tornado...
That's only if you take one slaan/Oracle. Remember you can sacrifice spells with any amount of models now, rather than just your general. In the...
He could honestly be fantastic in either army. buffed by a starseer with +1 to save and 3d6 charge (with a possible +1 run/charge from asterisms)...
Thanks to Warhammer Crendor's videos it was pretty easy to read. It would probably be a good thing to ask for a definitive answer from an FAQ...
not trying to be a rules lawyer. but since its currently open to interpretation the battle tome reads... : In your hero phase, before attempting...
with the stupidist list imaginable. you could run 5 slaan and kroak with 3 msu's of skinks. maybe some guard. thats 20d3 summoning points....
its still much better than what we thought it was before however. with kroak, slaan and astrolith that gives you 9d3 ccp a turn! not bad and given...
GUYS re-reading the section about summoning you can use multiple spell-slots for conjuration! the rules only stipulate that you have to say that...
I was honestly thinking about making my blowpipe skinks have clubs instead of shields now. just for the extra damage potential.
its a slaan artifact, heal a wound in each of your hero phases and you can reroll one casting, dispelling, and unbinding roll in each hero phase.
i would rule that each of the "effects" trigger once just as in the example given. so the oldblood's ability to count the 6's rolled to hit as two...
Can you post a link to the FAQ in question? If this is the case then we wouldn't be able to stack similar abilities such as +1 to hit from koatl's...
i personally dont believe so. because it says saurus oldblood and not the oldblood keyword like the firelance host does with scar-veteran. this...
all skink wizards should have access to the lore of celestial manipulation (skink spell lore), so the oracle should have another spell from that...
because sometimes weird and niche lists can be fun to play, especially in a casual setting.
Yes, this is correct. which is why i put together a list with kroak, two slaan, two oracles, and an astrolith for maximum magic fuckery. i flilled...
I dont think he's saying that. i took me a couple reads to make sense of it. at a full wounds profile a bastilidon is immune to rend. because you...
This is actually great news. i think this will make the basti our most durable unit when combined with a skink priest which will make it so that...
The endless spell warscrolls arent copy-pasted. some of them do have specifically different rules for being bound.
I noticed in Crendors video on the warscrolls... the chronomantic cogs rules are changed from what they read on the cards i have. now only the...