i think he was referring to spells such as the umbral spellportal and chronomantic cogs, which dont have the predatory ability.
imagine though. 3 handlers and 9 (insert dino name here). that would put the final nail in the coffin as it were. .
Also @Womboski unless the warscroll specifically says (such as KO' boats) models in garrison do count towards objectives.
As a note it only says Wizard or Priest must be garrisoning it. which gives us 6 models to use with this model: kroak, starmaster, skink priest,...
I dont know if we had a proper warscroll for the realmshaper engine yet. but here it is from the AU webstore:
*rolls dice faithfully* I got a 3.
looks like ill need to order about 3 of those new start collecting boxes now!
Holy S*** guys, i just got finished reading through everything i missed since yesterday and once again HOLY $#!T. The wait was worth it! more...
I would say yes. as the garrison rule is a specific rule on a warscroll and so it supersedes the general rules of the battleplan. If i'm wrong on...
Update 3/3/20 Looks like GW has decided to bless us with some rule previews this day, here is a short and sweet list of the changes we can see....
i had attempted to with my post but its mostly overshadowed by this one...
If nothing else I hope our slaan receive some better casting and spells to use. Currently we are just meh compared to the likes of nagash and...
I'm now going to be much more tempted to bring the lifeswarm now that it will see some good use in a monster list and cannot be hijacked by my...
Idk skinks seem more iconic for sotek what with the red crested ones and tehenhauin.
I am super happy with this news. We are allowed to keep our super mobile "dreamons" while we also get access to new and potentially viable saurus...
I'm very happy to see that people are staying upbeat about these changes. Reading through that new lore post it seems we won't be considered...
Personally I wouldn't say our monsters are terrible though I understand they can be a little underwhelming compared to other factions. Though I...
Hey all, I'm a recent lurker of the Lustrian forums and a Casual Seraphon player since early 2019. I've been super excited about our battletome...
Perhaps we will get more lore about celestial daemons? as it stands (i havent read deeply into the current seraphon battletome) we don't have a...
I'm hoping to see Saurus models receive buffs across the board with perhaps some better saves on our warriors and and extra wound on the guard, I...