I've done well with, and without the toad. The problem I've run into with Tetto, is that he's so good, people are now leaning more toward hex...
This is general vs specific. A character riding a dragon is one model, one thing, one base. But the more specific rules take precedent over the...
I take them on all the fighting units, and none of the shooting units. With S3 and poison, having a higher BS means that either: The whole unit...
They cost nearly twice as much, but put out twice as many poisoned hits. They scout, giving you turn 1 shooting, often on warmachines. The...
If you're opponent is pouring most of his shooting into a pair of 120 point units, you're doing it right. I use 2x3 rippers and 2x6 chameleons....
Re: Dice Order: Now we wait Dark Elf Shades dispatched to intercept and bring me all the dice. -Matt
Re: Have any of you tried using the Jungle Swarms in 8th edi Swarms don't stop a bouncing ball. IMO, I hope 9th edition just makes all swarms...
Re: You advise me and I'll sculpt it Razordons. The spines on them do not look the list like projectiles, and they don't have nearly enough of...
Re: Dice Order: Now we wait My 6 Razordons are very sad about sharing the single artillery die that I have. -Matt
GW's white primer is trash. You have to shake the hell out of the can, and then "Swirl" the can. You can pick up Sandable Automotive Primer is...
Must be placed in the 2nd rank if their is room. If not, they are placed behind another krox, just like it says in the rule.
Re: How are everyone experiencing our "new"special character Incorrect. Characters cannot join flying units. Temple Guard do not fly.
Fiery Convocation. What's interesting, is hitting 30 skinks with hit, kills ~105 points of models. Hitting 30 saurus with it kills 110 points of...
You'll notice that the BRB FAQ says that "unmodified" leadership is the highest in the unit. So even after killing the Death Hag, you can still...
Going to init 2/3 doesn't do much against an Init 5 ASF enemy. Against a horde, they still lose. Without armor piercing, they take 3 wounds in...
Musicians win ties. If you do 4 wounds, combat is a tie, and the musician pushes combat in favor of the dark elves. You have to do 5 wounds to...