Doesn't WBW also make the unit ethereal until your next magic phase or does it only move as if it's ethereal?
Just reread the rule, I thought it only counted for ignoring movement or long distance penalties.
Ranged attacks would be anything that is not close combat attacks. So yes, Flag of Blood Keep would give him a 4+ ward save against drop rocks. It...
Invocation of Nehek on this thread =S I'm an undead player myself. Lore of Light's Lore Attribute (extra damage against undead units) will be...
One of high elves strongest points are their magic, so making your wizard ethereal won't really help against them.
INVOCATION OF NEHEK! Why would you fill your rare with ancient steggle when you could be taking salamanders? And why would you waste your...
Fluff wise Kroq Gar laughs most characters off the table. Can you imagine the conversation between Gor Rok and Kroq? Gor: "So yeah I spent 3 days...
What's the recommended number of TG for bunkering a Slann? And can that "bunker" be used as shock troops or with the Slann casting should he be...
Lore of Life: Awakening of the Wood I thought would have been a must against Wood Elves. Its a highly circumstantial spell but Wood Elves are the...
Teclis was devious. He knew Chaos were on the warpath, and that Nagash would be needed as a viable force for helping prevent the forces of chaos...
Given that one of their special characters is essentially an undead toad, and their main enemies and "Old Foes" are chaos, I think Lizardmen will...
There's room for ALL of the races really, especially all of the main armies. Cathay, Ind, Nippon, Estalia, Tilea, Pirates of Sartosa, Halflings...
Next release is Atilla: Total War, which looks to Rome 2, what Napoleon was to Empire. I imagine the Warhammer Total War would be the next release...
Was the multiple wounds issue FAQd? In the rule book it does not state that each wound caused cannot go on to affect further rank and file models,...
If I take the Bastilodon, drop the Saurus Champion and take two Lvl1 naked Skink Priests, I could take an Old Blood on Cold One w/ Piranha Blade,...
Nobody with any comments at all guys? Bump <slinks back into jungle>
Undeath is great at providing shooty support (perfect for the very non shooty vampire counts). I was thinking of a life slan. Signature is a five...
Does anybody have any viable Slan lists at 1k?
So my local shop is doing a Tale of Many Gamers, starting with a 1000pt force over the course of 4 weeks. Then over the next 2 weeks after that...
I wrote a huge lengthy article on it over at Carpe Noctem on what units are best for what and when to summon what/ tactics etc. As a "foreign"...