I do enjoy the creative process =) let me know if you want to bounce ideas around, you can message me anytime.
I tread lightly only because I don't like to offend people =) but the black market is a great idea, really. I do look forward to seeing this...
I'm glad to hear of another desert dwelling lizardmen off shoot. I have mine allied towards a sort of "Sand Elf" as well, related heavily to wood...
I don't know if this has been touched in another thread or not, but I have been debating (with myself) how an enemy can unbind a spell cast via...
Aren't the mortal wounds a result of a wound roll of 6?
I guess I haven't decsribed the city (other than its mood). Poneextlan is in the middle of the desert, with the Rim as one of its borders....
Pure. Gold. You're high jacking my Thread jk ;) hahahaha I corrected the couple mistakes, but have yet to add to this like I promised >.> That...
Gorgeous photos, I've always loved the cliff castles. These would fit right into The Rim perfectly, however, the lizards live in a flat city...
One can get the job done, two feels like back up, and three is where they shine. If you have enough bits for two, go for it, you won't regret it....
Definitely fixing that two days two days thing hahah, thanks... now, is "sewing terror" not the way that phrase is spelled? If so, I've been...
This is NOT a lizardmen or seraphon story. It is, however, an introduction to the Apisi; a half coyote, half man beastman. They play the main...
If you look at other priests in the game, a handful have better buff rolls than 4+; I play against dwarves that are constantly giving their...
I'd rather compromise and set Kroak at 20 wounds than abide by any summon-nerfing systems.
I haven't updated this in a while. Today I want to touch on the legend of Huaroq, and Tadi, the terradon rider. I'll tell the Legend of Huaroq...
I respect that Law and Order are not defined the same way, but I think in this circumstance, Lawful is the best way to describe our Seraphon....
So wait, battalion warscrolls for a campaign book? Are they generic formations? I can't wrap my head around this, what exactly do you mean?
You can't add to a unit, unfortunately. I read a special rule for Death that says you can add models to a unit or merge units, so my reasoning...
I was just thinking about this topic the other day, I think we do need an Army List Forum because there are SO many different ways to field an...
Where can I get my hands on these campaigns? Me and my group of friends would love to do some campaigns; we're all still new and we were trying to...
I would say that the slann know so many stars, they don't have to summon the same one all that often, unless it's just THEE champion the slann...