In my story, the northern parts of Naggaroth are dominated by Dark Elves, and in the south is where the climate gets hotter and they haven't...
I've been inspired by others of the forums doing character backgrounds, and I feel like this will help my audience better understand the story I...
AoS really does give a lot of story line freedom, and every realm should be treated as being able to support life, which opens the door to a lot...
I like this idea that the jungles of the realms is where all seraphon go for "retirement" if their slann dies. It keeps the lost aspect that made...
Idea for a spinoff contest; multimedia contest. This would keep the door open for comics and other drawings and whatever else people come up with....
Skink Patrol is the saving grace of skinks. You said you don't want much skinks, which is understandable. I wouldn't put skink on the table unless...
That's interesting you think razordons don't need the handlers, I would have thought that about salamanders since they ONLY get more range. But...
Hello all! The topic has been touched on very lightly, and I think these two units deserve some discussion. I myself have been using razordons...
Being able to use a ranged attack during the combat phase like that is something I completely over looked. Makes the tide of snakes way more...
For people who don't have the battle tome, it should be noted that only Slann can permanently die in Age of Sigmar. It says that the Slann summon...
I doubt that the End Times was in any way part of the Great Plan. I say this because when Chaos first showed up, the Old Ones dipped out,...
I'm fairly certain that you can say "Star Drake Constellation" and "Dracothion" as interchangeable terms. Dracothion IS the constellation, and...
It says in the book that Dracothion beckoned the slann to him, and when I read that, I thought of the Exodus Engines flying off towards the Great...
I like the idea that possession is communal, even if it is just small groups within a single city. There's always a bigger picture for the...
I never noticed that, that's going to be my closing argument if it ever gets disputed, thanks!
Just to be the devils advocate (or in other words, your opponent) the skink patrol formation does say you need a skink priest, but the warscroll...
I ran the starpriest with my saurus knights and every turn I "leveled my staff" at the knights. When they charge (with lances) this means that...
So I was wrong, obviously, we got a battle tome! I'll probably have to repost or revive this thread after everyone's had some time to digest the...
I was under the impression that the entire world also imploded and formed a "sigmarite" core that Sigmar flew through space with to make the...
Yes! my skinks have cubbies next to their beds! The desert LM that I've been developing have a culture that is completely cutoff from Lustria and...