Lizards are gone in space No more Lizardmen, but still playable....
My experience is that it is completely worth the points. Sometimes, its just hard to scrape that extra 25 points cos it just might mean you have...
The first list is quite nice. I seem to not be facing alot of artillery nowdays, except from the orc due to comps. So stegs can be a viable...
Tried to warn you : p
Good posts I say. I surely agree, the overcomp on Co Saurus characters is quite - unreasonable. I believe, and hope, they will remove it. As said...
As somewhat indicated in the previous posts, i feel lizardmen are quite a low tier army. We have a slann, saurus characters and skinks which are...
what faq?
Ive tend to burn goblins with salamanders, and suprisingly often they simply flee. Ash Storm is the one where your wizard can only cast spells...
Scarvets, Slann, skinks with poison are great. Flamng ward vs kdaii is key. Once had co+gw scarvet with flameward kill one kdaii all by itself...
Funny game. Def need to try that. Never been so over the top with skink cloud. Wonder how this army would do against woc for example.
Hi and welcome to the Jungle. First of Skink priest lvl 2 with Potion of Toughness and Opal Amulet is 135 points. Not 281 points. You might want...
I dont think Lizardmen really have any filth. Kroak is definately good, but has done mediocre at best in our tournaments (note:comped...
What the #@!# LOLLL :D GW stop it, ur killing me. Space lizards. For the Empe-hmh--MAZDAMUNDI. Whos up for Bolter-Skinks?!
Hi. im going against OnG in a week so Id be very interested in your feedback on my list. Havent played OnG before in a ETC comp before, nor in a...
I think it is very clear. That is perfectly legal. Using cavalry in an infantryblock is abit dangerous though since they dont get look out sir.
What would be the price of these amazing kroxes?
champ can be moved aside as well with the make way move.
I just had a game versus bretonnia as well. Put 3x3 rippers on my list since KB is just amazing vs cavalry. I won the vanguard roll, and knew the...
Mazda is so overpriced it hurts. Also he just gets skillcannoned out of the battlefield on turn 1-2. No reason to take him ever. Zlaaq doesnt even...
To me, its Slann with WD. My frog has melted my heart <3