he can also be put in a saurus block like this SSCSS SSCSS SSSSS
Did TG/slann+Skavenpelt banner against my pal whos running skaven. First game i just annihilated him. Second game on a later date I was...
With my quick math. Carno+Scarvet on GW would do aprox 3 wounds to the Steam Tank. It does nothing back. Then on its turn, it destroys you. That...
oh right. damnit :D
:smug: seconded :meh:
this should work, and a thing to note that since skrox+skink group is "unique", they cannot be thunderstomped/stomped.
I like the A list more. Reason: Only 20 TG are not going to cut it. Although camos are great. GL with the games!
I cant see any reason why a WD Slann could not handle a bunch of dragons or frost phoenixes with boosted shems, searing doom and spirit leech ; )...
Every game is the worst game if u have a bad loser at the end of the table. Or if the other player is just sad after losing a game. I mean, this...
Re: New Lizzies player, asking for hints about army building First of all, welcome friend. Greetings from Finland. I also play basicly only with...
you could convert there fellows for razorz http://www.games-workshop.com/en-FI/Flesh-Hounds-of-Khorne
Theres not a real good way to end Nagash. Wound him? He just heals his wounds. Win in CR? he can do a good bunch of CR himself, he gets -2 to...
I use to use skirmishers + 2skink cohorts. One thing I like to do is a poison trap. One skirmisher gets into a fight/flees/is overrun in such a...
WD Slann and boosted Shems is where it is at! Also Spirit leech when the general is not within 12 inch.
Friend casts purple sun with 5 dice. no IF. rolls like +20. I have two DD left. roll two sixes. Next turn same thing. Purple sun, High roll, no...
You mean unique right? But I fail to see the FAQ parts of unique units anymore. Is there anything about this in the rulebook?
http://www.talkwargaming.com/2014/08/leaks-leaked-white-dwarf-image-of-nagash.html?m=1 What an epic character. Talk about a cannon magnet. I can...
Tenenhauin is an expensive lvl 3 mage who is littered with crappy special rules. He is supposedly/kind-of a melee character but sucks at it and is...
Regarding double-flee. A game I had previously: I was doing the regular double flee manouvres as I'm used to. Skink1 group fled through Skink2...