Hello all, I play orcs and Goblins as well as an empire army in addition to my lizardmen. My Lizardmen are the newest of the three and were built...
I feel I need to big up another unmentioned build. The monster list. This really depends on your area meta. In mine there are few warmachines so I...
I maybe wrong but dont stomps get allocated like shooting? I think this formation could also work with skinks with a chief. have a champ and run...
They are in the comp winners stickied thread.
So been looking at it a bit, why not try for some 1st/2nd turn shenanigans to use a death and shadow slann together. Shadow steed of shadows up...
Ok, um, wow. That source lighting is immense, really really beautiful.
EOTG could be really nice too. Not only do you have an ancient steg wading in at strength 6 but also the burning alignment allowing no amour saves...
Really enjoyed reading this and am looking forward to more. Grats on the win.
One of the worst things they can do is easily bump a front rank with just characters making it impossible to strike at the juicy guys behind...
I tend to treat them like any army, 3 stegs into an infantry unit = dead unit.
The death slann has another great advantage to consider in the form of the leadership modifier spell. This is normally useless against the undead...
I would still take the cube and life. If they roll high for magic dice you can cap the phase on the first spell. Losing two remains in play isn't...
I run a 3 steg 2000 point list and it has done really well, this is monsterhammer after all. I wouls say with only 1 unit of camo skinks and no...
Good to hear about your victory.
Simple, use shield if they have killy stuff, if not then make life easier for slann. When in combat burn away, burn away.
Thanking you
Hello all, This is my first ever battle report so please be gentle with me. Last night I played a 4000 point battle I had 2000 points of...
Loving the scar vet, slann, saurus combo. Slann, life, rumination, mystery, becalming, plaque of protection, diadem of power,bsb,standard of...
I don't doubt the chief is a good build, just trying to explain why I would take an engine.
The benefit of the magic attack is that it works every turn, the war spear is great but you can still role snake eyes and get stuck. With the...