I did start my 2000 point list with a carno as it was a monster heavy list. I decided to drop it in the end though for two reasons, firstly it...
I am inclined to agree that the slann is key to whatever list you want to run. I think Saurus are good core troops as they can with the right...
We knew about the rider and templates we just weren't sure if the template would hit one skink or all of them. Thanks for the clarification.
What happens when a template weapon hits a steg? Is,1 crew member hit or all?
I say 3 is better than 2. I run a 3 steggie list at 2000 points and have great fun. Take 1 of each kind, point them at something and impact and...
This is very dependent on the situation. Personally, I play in a magic heavy area, I think becalming is the must have, always having a chance to...
I have never played a game of storm but what about a Lamasu? Its a magic using monster so could take a fulcrum.
Thanks for the update, a very good read.
I on the other hand try to throw as few dice as I can at it usually, 1 from the pool and one from rumination. You already have the dice advantage...
Thanks dog on a todd, red lizards are the future. I still think I personally like becalming the best. I have lost countless games in 8th with my...
I run 3 stegs in my 2000 point list so generally run a life slann to heal them back up when they take the inevitable hit or two. Mine is maxed out...
Did not read the fine print.
Anyone tried out a krox chariot? They are quite popular with some orc and goblin builds. Take two trolls rank them up and go. You only lose 1...
Slann, rumination, mystery, ethereal, becalming, plaque of protection, cube of darkness skink priest, ancient steg eotg, dispell scroll 25 saurus,...
I really like the list and am feeling the no slann vibe. I would advise that if you see an army with warmachines of any description that you...
I love my skrox unit, 22 skinks and 2 krox. It usually guards one of my flanks with my baby steg. The two together move really quickly and people...
I have run a slannless list a couple of times and found the engine skink and scroll to be enough, plus it helps keep your carny alive.
What if all the crew are slain? Can you still revive them as long as the steg is still going?
I don't have a rule book to hand, but can I use regrowth on my steg crew?
OH bugger. Do you get magic res against them?