Hello, I am going to approach this from a different angle. I have not yet played with lizardmen as my collection is to small, so will approach it...
I love the magic phase so the slann is a must. I also really like the mixed height units of skrox and slann in temple guard.
Would that not give them a bigger footprint and make them easier to tie down in combat, break and run down?
I like this build. Shame you can't squeeze in a potion of healing though. Does the divine plaque work against magic spells as well then.
Re: Iggy Koopa's finishing touches... I really like the carny, esp the base, makes it look awesome
What would do you think would be the best solo slann build for 2000 points? This is mine slann, mystery, rumination, becalming, higher state,...
I also think that spawning pools would be a bit to big for unit fillers as I imagine they would be the size of at least two ranks of the unit type...
Ok so here is the second krox. I know that it isn't perfect but I honestly think it is the best model I have ever painted. It is not totally...
Some of those Beastmen ones were really good. Thanks for the link. I think for me the reason I want to do jungle as a unit filler is that I want...
I have been thinking a lot about this at the moment. What I think I am going to do is bring the terrain into the unit, so on bases I will be...
I really want to keep the skrox unit as I find it was the visual effect of them that made me start lizardmen, what I could do is drop the cupped...
The reason they look shiny is that I did not water the early base coates down. Lesson leaned. The weapons are probably the easiest part. Base...
Well I have to finish the second Krog off and then I will get some skinks on the go I think. It will probably take a long time to finish that unit...
If a mod could move it that would be great. I am a bit technically challenged at the best of times.
new wip shots, see above.
That is a pretty sweet army. Loving the bone effect, really nice job.
The way I read it now is that you have to maximise on the charge even if this takes a model farther than it could normally go. This as far as I...
I have been thinking about the solo ethereal slann for a bit, but would run with the lore of light instead, I would also drop the power scroll and...
Been a while, but have been very busy lately. So here is my Krox with a few things tweeked. I think it is much better now. I am very happy with...
My main opponents never use any artillary, would this make the eog priest a viable option?