Actually the cover rules call for another unit to be in the way, and the sniper rules don't say anything different so as long as LOS can be drawn...
That's for true large targets.
Any kroxigor that has base contact with an enemy can stomp.
20 rolls.
Yes. PS: I hope you appreciate how much effort it takes for me to contain my inner smartass.
Could, couldn't challenge tho and i get to use the awesome Tetto'eko model.
Hillarious, the speculum mage stood no chance. Just make sure to have the frog close enough to provide LD since he'll loose trough static CR vs...
Funny thing i recently tried is terradon, shield, sword of anti heroes and gambler's armor.
You could declare a challenge but he'd just throw the champ to his death. Pg. 97 "What unit can i join" last sentence: "A character cannot join a...
That and the loosing side must pass a test to reform.
1) Yup at the closest. Also true. If you pass the restrain test to act normally, because if you fail a charge you can't shoot after. Handlers are...
Hmm interesting, does that work with a poiton of S?
The new carno is indeed on a chariot base, you can mount it on the old base (beware RAW monkeys) but it works ok for me on the current one.
i believe javs are S3 now not S user.
No they won't, that's one of his two good stats.
Um the list must say if/how many assassins are present as they are characters, he must not however say where they are. Edit: I'm not sure on this...
The item says any enemy character so am i right in assuming it can target an assassin type character before he reveals himself.
You might want to pop open the universal special rules section and read what "fight in extra rank" does then eh Einstein.
Hardly even with 20mm bases you get 6 saurus in contact, which is still 30 attacks, so still more than half.
True the venom only works on mundane weapons and you have a magic one. I've been thinking of a simillar assasin skink myself but i usually see him...