It can be against the right opponent, i allways say give it a try and then decide ;)
Scar vet missile FTW, and he can still have the ring.
Yes, but keep in mind he can still use BSB re-rolls. The item is fun to use on low LD foes either way, and even if they pass you still get to roll...
Just keep in mind regrowth can't be used on characters or their mounts.
Usually yes but with no streinght the reverse ward dosen't work ;)
If heavy cav is worrying you get a scar vet, maybe with a GW. If you don't overupgrade you can still have the priest. Another option is, points...
Yes, if there is nothing preventing the unit from moving. He only gets +1 to cast and dispell but not a lvl, check the FAQ for details.
I tend to go for the 10 skinkmishers instead actually ;)
A failed armor save kills a model, as for the vet get him some magical heavy armour and a GW or if you really need him to strike at I3 a halberd....
He's best used as a homing missile.
No parry on attacks coming from the flank or rear. This checks out. He can't even target him unless he has the sniper rule, if you have less...
Actually the 6s are old but fear/terror used to be very powerfull allowing stegs to rape units solo, steadfast means that they can no longer do that.
Are they separate models cuz thats what it takes for separate tests. Hint: They aren't and that spell specifically causes ONE TEST PER MODEL HIT...
You do it's on page 10 (characteristic tests last paragraph).
The thing is templates cause D6 hits on units in buildings, on a fulcrum thats D6 S10 on the wizard.
It's true the terradon himself has stomp for being a monstous beast, the skink dosen't stomp tho.
If you want both TG and light you'll need more than 20 as regrowth isn't available.
Well you dont "loose" them but they will be hit.
I don't do it cuz i have standarts.
Only him, character ward saves don't transfer to the unit he's in but his MR does.