TBH i never really questioned it the older players just did it that way.
They probbably crumbled due to fangs charging.
Well here we ignore scouts when determening who goes first.
If taking light using the cage spell compleetly shuts down a warmachine as they can't pass tests other then T and LD ;)
Any model that is alone for any reason is a single model and gets to pivot freely.
They do they're just different. Anyhow a single model can allways pivot freely during a normal move, but wheels like a unit when charging.
Stegadons are monsters not warmachines.
Warriors of chaos and dwarf characters can get it rtrough items too.
Re: I got a few more easy questions. (unanswered) GW have a history of making unbalanced characters, they're either horrendously overcosted or...
Supporting attacks are one per model so 2-1-1. The BSB upgrade is 25 pts, so the cost is skink + 25 + razor, aolso if he has a magic banner he...
And the ogre hops of only if he's a character.
3 wounds, might wanna re-read the monstrous cav rules there buddy ;)
Thus ETC can bite me :P Around here we just do the no special chars thing, and sometimes not even that.
The thing is if you hae loremaster it becomes one PD, and if you have two it's useless.
Nope, stomp and thunderstomp only affect infantry, warbeasts and swarms.
Because of the only two extra dice per turn rule, so if you have no stuff that counts as extra PD you can get a maxiumum of two dice out of it,...
Rumination is meh in ETC.
ETC is interesting you can have two loremasters for the PD limit and then for the DD it's a choise between becalming or scroll+cube.
It's an old eddition character that dosen't exist anymore, you can just run them using regular cav rules i guess.
Becalming Cogitation.