Luckily you didn't forget how to paint ;)
It's also only been a 10 year transition to get to this point :p I guess I have a soft spot for those three colors :D
Hmm, I never did make an update on my progress for last month, so I'll do that and my goal is then whatever is left from last month: For...
I'm sure you meant to say: 'Old World's Greatest Children' :p Awesome :) Make sure to start a paint log then so we can all revel in your painting ;)
Maybe this is obvious to anyone having played against daemons of chaos, but I think I get why Kroq-Gar's Spear does what it does, since it makes...
I would just use the base he comes with. Your opponent will likely not have anything against you using him as a skink priest with a bigger base,...
Now I don't know how good it would actually be, but if 80 points or 160 if you want two, you could take a skink priest, to enable the knights...
On many occasions I have pondered the magic system of 8th edition fantasy, and found it rather flawed. What I mean by that is, that the system...
Thanks, that is of a much better quality than what I had found :D Hmm, but doesn't seem to say whether it is a rare choice or not though.
Well it doesn't say on the page from the book where the rules for the Dread Saurian are. Do you believe it's somewhere else in the book?
So I've just acquired myself a Dread Saurian (an alternative to Forgewolrd's mind you, have you seen the price of that thing :eek:). I have found...
That could just mean the ability gets cheaper. I hope is stays for fluff if nothing else.
Nice :D Looking really good too :cool:
I am indeed flattered :D They are looking very good ;) Boy don't I know how that is, you just have to work through it. Okay, here is what I'm...
Just better scaling really, so we don't have a hard limit on how many summoning points we can make. Something like a Slann that is not the general...
Ah, thanks. Just didn't catch the abbreviation :)
I believe you can reserve some of your points, (that you would otherwise buy units for to place in the beginning of the game) which you can then...
I'd love some kind of bite bonus, it could be something like: 'every seraphon unit within 6" get +1 to hit with their bite attacks'. That way it...
Here you go, this should be everything for Lizardmen...