I read that wrong the first time :p Cool idea and execution, I'll give a Spider-Man :spiderman:
And there is also the problem whether to balance more for fun and by that for the more casual crowd, and then balance for the competitive scene....
My guess would be that the Large beasts go better with your current army, so I would go for them first.
Now this was initially meant as an offering to the old one Aartzifartzi, but alas it seems his priest has vanished so I will place the offering...
Are you sure it's actually a dog? :rolleyes:
You are very welcome :) I'll look forward in anticipation to what your final product will look like ;)
I wouldn't mind at all and not object in the least either :D In the case of my latest models I've used the 'Skeleton Bone' primer from Army...
I've now finished some more models, 24 Skinks, another Bastiladon and 6 Teradon Riders to be exact, here is a couple pictures: Skinks [ATTACH]...
Freetings and welcome to the forum :) I haven't played with any of the stegadons in AOS, but the bow is best for single targets while the sunfire...
I know it's some time ago that you wrote this, I just wanted to point out that neveroddoreven's skinks were the inspiration for the stripes.
Well that's sad. I guess I'll just have to post my entry on my scribbling lines thread then.
'You know you are obsessed with Seraphon when...' - You don't want to play any other army because they don't have any dinosaurs and certainly no...
Umm, so did this contest die right after it's inception?
I just think the point is that the more parameters you have, the more options you have for balancing, and can make units more distinct. Yes it...
If upgraded they Chaos Warriors are certainly more powerful than Saurus Warriors, but then they kind of enter a league of their own. I guess it...
Excuse me but which book are you looking in then? In the one I'm reading Chaos Warriors are almost identical to Saurus Warriors in 8th edition...
Exactly this. Saying that Saurus were never elite is just wrong. Sure you had better units, but if we look at core choices, aside from Initiative...
I'm not certain, but I do think they will get sold separately later on from their site: https://lostkingdomminiatures.com/en/ The way they show...
'Temple Guard' are what 'Saurus Guard' were called in Warhammer Fantasy.
I don't think anything changed from back in the Warhammer: Fatnasy days tbh. Humans and elves were the main focus back then too, and it will...