Uhh not sure where you are getting your army rules from but your Slann is illegal. No cupped hands, no divine plaque...
Hi GhostWarrior, Thanks for your feedback. It is greatly appreciated. Yes, the krox has helped a lot in getting skinks to rally and pass panic...
Well... I've had 3 Saurus characters grind down 2 units of 40+ Gor with characters and +1S banner and a razorgor chariot in about 4-5 combat...
ok. I find with Tetto that I get enough magic in and to be honest, those 4 Saurus characters do so much heavy lifting that I don't need any other...
Why only 2 characters? In 2200pts I fit in 2 Oldbloods, a scarvet and a scarvet BSB. This works really well. Here is a link to the list:...
Nitpicking people will argue that Kroak makes the unit unbreakable, thus the RnF models + command group not the characters who have joined. Chakax...
The trick is to challenge with the oldblood, he refuses then you send the BSB or general to the back. If he accepts then you are only going to...
Any attack by a magical item (I.e runes) makes it magical.
If you are going to put in a scarvet, I would put him on a cold one. That's 100 points and you can add light armour and a halberd/Great weapon the...
Hey dude, I feel for you, Dwarves can be a tough match-up for us and a strong gun line can make one feel helpless as there isn't necessarily...
It's the oldblood and scarvets that would do the majority of heavy hitting. Supported by the slann and the sallies that soften up targets and...
Don't you put that evil on me! Take it back, Ricky Bobby. Take it back!
We play Kroak as strictly RAW thus first and foremost Direct damage which results in: *only in front arc and *not units in CC Still I believe him...
Re: War Stories - A Nexs-Files Suppliment [Vs Filthy WoC] WoC is definitely one of our toughest match ups. WD with the channel 3 on 5's will help...
lol it's more like a nuke than anything else.
As someone who have been quite successful with the double bus I can give some advice: *Scroll caddy is really needed! *Don't be afraid to split...
Yeah you can't. Arabian carpet says models on foot only and Slann's palanquin states it is not regarded as a model on foot.
This actually makes sense. Kind of like a Hail Mary. One problem though, I don't see how Mazdamundi would not know about it before hand.
Would Kroak be able to join skirmishers? Imagine Kroak in a chameleon unit... -3 to hit. Though he doesn't give them unbreakable so I'm not sure...
Oh snap!