Re: piranha blade - stegadon helm - egg of quango-slann ques Yes, Piranha blade gives the wielder the D3 multiwound special rule. Doesn't say...
Re: piranha blade - stegadon helm - egg of quango-slann ques It's not actually the bearer that does the hits with the egg. The wording states...
Spirit leech is done on unmodified LD. Thus Iceshard doesn't drop their LD for this purpose. Important to note: unmodified LD is the highest LD...
General: CO, GW, Steg helm, 5++ Oldblood 2: CO, PoStrength, Charmed shield, Piranha blade, Dragonbane gem Scarvet: BSB, BoEternalFlame, CO, GW, LA...
I played a Coldone list at a 2000pts tourney this weekend. 2 Oldbloods and a Scarvet BSB in a unit of 7 Coldones. I played so badly but they...
I see. Thanks, that makes sense :) also, killing 3 of them with shooting wouldn't be so hard and in a unit of ten, would probably cause 7 to flee...
Re: does anybody ealse want a custom Avatar ? Hi :) I was wondering if you could make me one as well... Something along the lines of my...
Just got my Terradons in the post and was wondering if a unit of 10 Terradons was viable. Imagine 10D3 strength 4 hits with dropping rocks...
Congrats on your win :) You should try Lord Kroak sometimes. Very nice against any Daemon, undead or nehekharian army
Lord Kroak does most of that and costs less points. Almost everyone hits him on a 4+ (WS10), Unbreakable (Crown of command, BSB + banner of...
I am considering getting myself this and converting it to a dread saurian. What ya think?
ah... hahaha you got me :oops:
From the recent images it looks gigantic. My guess is an ogre to the dread saurian looks like a skaven slave to a tomb kings chariot
+1 to what Moniker said. The price isn't bad compared to other models *cough Carnosaur cough cough* but it is Fugly! Does anyone have any ideas...
If you aren't happy with your models then I'd be happy to take them off your hands :) They seem to fit my play style well and I am doing well...
I like the rules, not the model! Looks like a big scrawny rat... Does anyone know the dimensions of the model? I'd like to customise something...
Still available? Please Pm me if yes
Our area is quite competitive and a friend of mine's TK army ended 5th out of 24 in the latest regionals. Like it is said before, depends greatly...
OP said no special characters... Which is a pity because Lord Kroak in a Temple Guard unit would be dominating
There is space for an oldblood cowboy with Fencers blades, Glittering scales, Crown of command/a ward save. Perfect roadblock to hold up a big...