He may be referring to the sharpened horned impact hits. That is only D6+1 hits D3 wounds per Steg though, not 4D6.
Hi, Nice list. I struggle the most against Ogres so I can give you some heads up on what to look out for... Firstly your Stegs will probably...
Looks fun :) Please let us know how it went when you try it out. I also want to do this sometime
I respect your choice in not picking super competitive lists but... Why don't you think of your army as a car... The more badass your army is,...
I agree on the forbidden rod, would love to be able to fit him in as I regularly roll below 4 for magic winds. I will test without it and test...
So... I am a relatively new Lizzy player (less than 10 games under my belt) but I have had some really good success so far. There is an upcoming...
Ah, my bad. Been trying out so many 2500 lists that I forgot this was a 2000pts list!
Your core is not the minimum 25%. I would add full command to your Temple guard, they need to be in combat. Personally I would tone down on the...
Hi all, Started WHFB and Lizzies a short while ago. Bought a nice big army second hand and looking for some advice to work towards a list that I...