I think i played it once, waaaay back in the day. Does that list have skink horned one riders or is that the southlands list? Engine is indeed...
So going up against a new opponent, dudes lives 2 streets away, never knew he played warhammer :D. Right here is he list: Heroes Scar vet,...
So who is excited with the news we got for the old world. I know I should keep calm but i'm over the moon right now :D [ATTACH] [ATTACH] I...
Did ask my friend to edit one small detail, the lip piercing hehe
Yup he tried to do some red water lily
I give him my ideas, my friend works em out :D
So happy with how my friend painted this, the blue looks awsome on the slann. [ATTACH]
Is there any set up for an old blood to match a vampire lord? Thinking of ditching the slann, because magic really doesn't do much.
Loss for the lizzies, but a very close one, at the end he only had 10 phoenix guards left, 10 swordmasters, 4 bowmen and 1 special char. Will...
Quickly wrote an army list, you can find it at the top (first post)
Going to write my army tomorrow. We have a thing from the past where we ask our opponent if we are allowed to bring a special char. He said it was...
Love the list. Only prob i see is when you go against armies with few rank&file units. But that is probably only against ogre kingdoms. How do...
Of course we will, but it won't be much :D
So in August my warhammer mates and me are going away for a weekend to play warhammer. From Friday evening till Sunday evening. Needless to say we...
He has got a 10k army of high elves. So he can field anything really. It is his first battle ever, no idea how he is going to play :D
So things are going fast, i'm going to battle against high elves even sooner than VC. Yet again i'm clueless :D. What do you field against an...
Picked the ruby ring, for maybe killing a banshee or his wraiths. Focus of mystery only works on the high magic lore and would love to test out...
After some info i gathered on VC, here is a quick army list which i will edit probably, battle is still a month away and yea i start to doubt...
So my next battle is going to be against VC. Did not play against them yet in 8th edition. What i remember from previous editions is the...
So yesterday i got a new list from my Warhammer dealer, got some sweet stuff :D This the RoR skink horned one riders [ATTACH] 3 terradons...