Ah so there is a q&a about it, thank god i'm not the only one thinking it :D
One thing you have to take in mind when taking rippers is that they are frenzy, so they have to charge a unit if it is within 22 inch (10m + 2...
Right i can see the benefit (other units get LD 10 as well). Sorry if i highjacked the thread a bit.
But your TGs can't use the LD of your slann because of the banner, so it's still testing on 9. If you read the rules of the banner not even your...
But you are already testing on LD 9 with cold blooded rule and can reroll because of bsb. If you put him in TGs you are already stubborn and ItP....
Thx for clearing that up bro
I don't know alot about wood elves never played against them. They do have excellent shooting units right? I'm always very carefull to bring large...
So just to clear something up, we had confusion with the following: A unit of normal orcs want to charge a skink unit. The distance between them...
Btw i always post my armies and edit them a bit with your lot feedback. But if it is not to much to ask, post your entire 2k army vs o&g. I'm...
Last time he did have a orc BSB and his general in the same unit.
Right so i'm attacking orcs and goblins again in the campaign we are playing. After 4 battles or so with a slann it is time to pull the old blood...
Update: said i wouldn't play elves... Dark elves caught my eye now
Getting the models isn't really going to be a problem, i got my contacts hehe. You sell dwarfs well, very tempted. Just need to read the army book...
A friend recently bought an ogre army (like 1 month ago) so not really an option. Also don't really like to have so few models on the battlefield....
Not saying lizzies are bad, just their book has to much flaws and contradictions. Sorry poor wording from my side. English isn't my mothertongue....
So i'm thinking to start a second army. I got lizzies of course but their 8th edition book is so bad, it starts to suck the fun out of the game....
So due to pandamic rules still being in place, we couldn't really finish is. We still have a curfew clock around midnight. But the ogre player...
With sallies i need to cause a casuality (or is it just a wound)? Let us say i get 4 ogres that touch the template, 4 hits, wounding on a 4. Means...
Right going up against ogre kingdoms again and this time i made a list that is pretty basic except maybe the two lords. Mostly all my battles...