So i don't like painting... Really it frustrates me, it annoys me and i simply don't have alot of time. I'm glad i can get a game in, let alone...
Follow up question, if salamanders spout flames and they inflict a wound causing an enemy model to be removed. Does that enemy unit have to take a...
It seems some friends are hard headed, nothing i can do about it though, if you read the rules and imply them like it is written, i'm in the loss...
Thought so, me and my friends are having endless discussions about the kroak spell, Bruning alligment from the engine of the gods and Predatory...
Did GW ever give us an errata or something on our 8th edition lizardmen armybook? I mean official stuff, not ETC or fanbased? If so where can i...
Okay so quick question about pursuit and overrun regarding lizzies. So saurus warriors that destroy a unit on the turn they charge and there is no...
Got 4 of these models now, looking for 2 more :)
One thing i should have been doing from the beginning is, casting the spell that increased one charastic or a few with D3. I did this later on in...
The saurus needed to do something or they would just have been shot by his cannon and leadbelchers. I was doing that tactic with skinks and the...
You can find the battle report here:
Right here is my battle report from the battle last night. You can find my army list here:...
Lizzie loss :(, battle report will follow
This battle is part of a campaign me and a few friends started. We took a random map of the warhammer world (mostly empire parts) and devided them...
Game on this Thursday evening, i'll let you know in a battle report how it went
Totally forgot something, slann also BSB of course
So i edited my list, got 29 saurus warriors now (dropped one skink skirmisher unit) and i added the ironcurse icon, but does this also give saves...
Battle has been postponed due to a passing away from a relative because of covid(girlfriend side).
After reading the rulebook, it says a model on foot can join a skirmish unit, didn't read that they would lose their skirmish option. Dropping a...
Here is the armylist
So this is the first time i'm going up against Ogre Kingdoms, it is also my friends first time with Ogre Kingdoms :). So i expect alot of trying...