Okay itneresting question now..... if as we suspect tiktak gets to join units but flying skink chiefs dont then I pose this question since a solo...
I will probably try something stupid, a solo skink chief on a ripper with some decent gear hunting monsters XD more because it would be cool...
I was thinking about making one of my hammer units be a squad of ripper dactyls lead by a skink chief(with maybe an ogre blade and enchanted...
the fireleachs def then.
he might be worth the points if your opponent is warmachine heavy, then being able to come in on the back field where all his cannons and such are...
that st 10 thing is probably open to interpretation...sadly like a lot of things in this book lol how it is phrase it makes it sound like the...
umm last I checked the BRB on bound spells states to dispel you need to roll over what the opponent rolled just as if a normal spell was cast....
I am trying to make a skirmishing tray for my chameleon skinks and trying to figure out how best to line them up there would be 6 of them so do I...
actually banners dont count for LOS.
was about to ask this question..... I do have a follow up question. Does a very high up slann allow the ranged opponent to see the TG to fire at...
but I am not sure what I sortof like what I am doing with the cold one but not sure what it needs, a wash and what kind etc. basically so far the...
hmm maybe cardon granite and deneb stone? here is what I currently have done, a bit sloppy so far probably.
thanks the downside is gutting each base takes forever. since green is sortof an accent color that doesnt appear that much(still working on my...
okay my painting theme for them was more water rock. Basically a lot of water effects and the lizardmen themselves are grey with slight green...
just a well rounded take all comers as I never know what I will be facing. Core: 30 Saurus, music, standard 10 skinks 10 skinks 10 skink...
I have made a test waterfall, this one came out abit short for my liking I think it needs to have a bit more excess on the top and bottom to...
one problem taht did come up, apparnetly realisitc water breaks up citadel washes. which is wierd and looking for advice how should I do that...
not sure how this will work but been worried about how I'd keep the water in one area I plant to do a badab black over the rocks which on the test...
While I try and figure out how to plan my water path on my slanns base I took a break to do work on my scar vet, here is what I have so far I...
thanks to me being off, and my new found hours of over night shift I have had time to work on things.....and prove that I might be insane...