so it would end up being 3 power pool +1 rumination -1 rumination do to over cap = casting using 3 dice.
Lizardmen 1k Scar vet wasnt sure what to give him 50 pts of magic items but not sure what to do Skink priest 50 points of magic items probably...
Saw the preorder sheet at my local shop. Kroq is now 66 dollars
Well more of a what if scenario to help me understand how these work together. If I roll two 6s I will of course be at my limit but if I then cast...
yea realistic water sortof caves in on itself acouple times and you have to apply many coats, I havent tried adding color yet like some sites...
okay temple head wouldnt fit fulling inside so tilted a bit over the rim his back foot is on a spare piece of rubble from gale force nine might...
a company called scibor though I got them from warstore and ebay....warstore made my order temporarily vanish so I thought they screwed up, then...
thats the one thing I havent figured out yet is highlighting lol
I think I did an awesome job, so happy they came out so well. Still needs some touchups and maybe abit more flock kindof wanted to have a lighter...
has any eldar players tried sticking stricking scorpions in a wave serpant and holding them in reserve to outflank them doh sorry just realized I...
I tend to go theme based when I make an army and I think I'll go with jungle and swamp tau lol if it helps in army planning
the reason I painted the bottom blue was to basically be an undercoat for the realistic water. so my question is this think I should give it a...
the next league is 40k escalation league I forget the points but I was thinking of doing tau. more specifically getting the battleforce box, can...
...this does not boad well no I'm not here to scream and whine OP I am here to complain about something else 2 pages of magic items, that's...
anyone have any ideas how to make the gw trees into weeping willows? been wanting to make a sortof submerged forest and those kind of trees would...
We found a rule in brb that states if you have a special weapon you must use it. halbreds are 2 handed which means in close combat temple guard...
simple It isn't fully flocked just glued him to that part of the base then I'll flock the rest. I ended up adding a yellow streak down teh middle...
okay I figure that maybe I should upload pics so far. A bit blurry but you should get the general idea
okay I am painting my chameleon skinks adeptus grey and their backscales knarloc green. for the first one I am painting I ended up painting the...
oh they will match colorwise at least hah could try and replace their fins with a saurus's ridge hah