one thing I cant think of to do is I wanted to differentiate female and male salamanders, the painted one is male the one with the baby is...
gale force 9 meadow blend, it actually comes like that
more pics and proof I may have lost my mind.
yea lol saw it and had to put him on the base
sadly cant seem to get a good pic of the painted one. I had an idea for abit of an extreme baseing using scibor temple heads and some GF9 concret...
honestly on my skink priest the only non foundation paints I've used so far are bleached bone for the grey seer skull on the staff and the silver...
What type of foam is used for making terrain. basically this si what I wanted to do, because of my new water obsession I wanted to make a sortof...
That is one complaint I had with the new book is that it barely mentions it. I have to go back to my last book whenever I am curious what I should...
sorry if this is somewhere but I could not think about how to search for this. if I cast something like purple sun of xerues or the pendulum...
Yes I know I should paint the model lol I am talking about the two hunks o' concrete he is standing on....and no he is not glued down yet...oxyotl...
seriously been wanteing to mode a high elf chariot to make a counts as stegadon, like a chariot gifted to teh lizardmen from teh white lions of...
WE should have gotten the giant animated statue of a jaguar....dont believe road to el dorado! that is all.
but the FAQ for 8th lizzies changed that
Since I am taking a slann and temple guard I thought about taking a scarvet with crown of command and sticking him in with the normal saurus it...
Am I reading the FAQ right? We have to pay 15 points to use the rulebooks enchanted shield?
and technically according to the fluff they arent shooting fire they are shooting more of an acidic venom that burns through armor.
Is this combo worth it and how would. You equip them? I thought skink with rror and dispel slann with discipline life and not sure for magic items
actually I made some changes recently think I finished it Saurus 20 Standard bearer 1 Musician 1 Champion 1 Skinks 10 Skinks 10 Saurus 20...
in times past of playing lizardmen I tended to use cold one cav. unfortunately because I am redoing the paint job for the whole army and...
they are aquatic and my army is a sacred host of tzunki so playing up the water aspect.