oh after gluing I ran back through it with super glue and let it leak into the cracks, might go over it one more time with project glue
what I plan to do with this odd custom base is have the salamander walking in teh centerwith some small grit and some realistic water. I cant...
next one this one I might actually use trying a new technique I used some white medical tape that I will pill up so the walls stay clean the...
easy for the saurus thing bring back sacred spawnings. in fact I had a crazy idea screw sacred spawnings go sacred hosts! one flat price upgrades...
first test run...pouring this into a 20 mm base is a pain...time to find a squeeze bottle some of the glue is still visible the bigger rocks...
yea I went nuts when I got to that hobby store got realistic water from woodland scenics plus the water effects to make ripples some medium gren...
ooooooooo YESSSSSSSS and it will work well with my tzunki water theme for basing MWAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAAH I'll have to ask if that is okay in...
I'll post pics as they come up of my crazy water base plan Test fit These bases are the small 20 mm bases and will be used for my chameleon...
actually I just realized that 17 saurus means I am only 3 short, which is the size of a command squad. so I could probably use the new saurus as...
ignore teh first part of the rant....while trying to get a better grip while sawing...I uh...flipped it over and saw teh 25mm lol
Trying to come up with a way to make a classic saurus into a champion using bits from new saurus and my stegadon plus some old bretonian horse...
is it worth it taking only 15 saurus with command? have 18 classic saurus and wanted to use them to save money lol
found 17 so far lol there has to be 3 more in my bitz box
Are classic models allowed. today at the league another lizardman player was using classic second edition saurus. sortof goody looking ones with...
not being made for saurus....just grrrrr.... and for that matter could they have made them any harder to line up?!!!! I just went through ever...
not to drag this debate up again but I am thinking since I will eventually be slanning it up should I just take 10 tg at 1000 points or would that...
I am trading my friend my space orks for the battle of skull pass dwarves. do not plan on getting a lot mostly going to use for heroic last...
Is the mask of eee worth it on a chief or vet was thinking that and berserker blade would be tempting
Has anyone tried giving the old blood an arabyan carpet? What else do you give him? And while I am asking what about skink priest on one being...