I remember reading that you should mix pva glue with water when basing but wasnt sure how much, I generally paint pva glue on straight out of a...
hmmm can that be painted onto lizards to give them a just been swimming wet look?
I forget can you take multiple BSBs?
well I both feel bad and good I feel bad for the swift victory but then again I feel good because I knew this was one of the major flaws of his...
one plan I had for a test run with water is for my sally base. I was going to cut a slit straight down the middle of the base then cut some...
It is about time for me to start doing my water bases and I was trying to decide what would be best. Although so far I am looking at two the...
I currently own a slann and was planning to take him and temple guard.....but magic is terrifying and I feel almost compelled to take life just so...
ah well it was a game to get us caught up with the new edition. apologies it's not to scale okay for the legend, the orange circle is the...
Blowguns can't stand and shoot?
Wow with new percentage rules this is tough. and sadly no internets currently so posting via phone, sorry. 2 Units of 20saurus with full command...
Are they worth the upgrade points? I seem to consistently have 80 points left
so my mom noticed this and thought hey maybe my son can use it.....so anyone have any idea on some things I can use it for?
are there any guides to setting up a steg so it can be both ancient and normal?
gonna do this for I think my slann and my chameleon skinks http://blog.brushthralls.com/?page_id=3875 the link is a guide on water basing, not...
Oh I didnt know if there was some -1 for moving and shooting lol
pardon my ignorance but with sallys, do they get penalties to marching and shooting? I wouldn't think so unless template rules have changed.
We need him as a hero imo. and just because I am bored I will share how I think he should work. no great weapon instead he fights with just his...
yea but instead of 6 tablespoons plaster to 2 table spoons water my recipe was like 4 plaster to 7 water lol wonder if pushing green stuff into...
by the end of the mixing I ended up using like 4 tablespoons of plaster and like 7 table spoons of water to make it thin enough to pour into the...