Well, 4 warmachines but Empire has Cannons 0-3 and Stank is a Cannon too. Besides, in ETC you get to be picked to the right opponent and not to...
Dude, Rumination dosen't consume your DD limit. Cogitations Does. Rumination adds only 2 PD. Don't forget that there is Stupid Line of sight not...
Hello, As many tournaments here are on the Stupid ETChammer, there are many new ideas that come into my mind. And since now there is a Team game...
Give the scar vet Dragonbane Gem Its 5 potins, and will help vs Lore of Metal magic missiles:) When you use Life I think that Cupped hands are...
Hello, I'd Take Dragonbane Gem on the Scar vet on cold one. (why risk metal magic). And If you plan to use EotG more offesivly than use it like...
No, I'm afraid he only writes for BL at the momment:( I played WH40K since 3rd Edition. Tyranids are my army of choice, Crudacce Can't Do It to me...
Cogitation Is not that great when you play a TG Slann, Because The enemy mage can be within 24" of the TG but out of Cogiation Range. Focus...
Shiled is his build in ability, he can't throw it away:) Drop Terror, It is useless in 8th edition
To be honest a Scar vet isn't for taking out the Vampire Lord:) Neither is the Oldblood I'm afraid:/ As for the Plaque of Tepok, It is a Good...
Hello, First ETC is 2400 not 2500, at least for lizardmen players. Secondly, if you will play vs Daemons and VC use the Enginge of the gods, and...
Hello, I can't belive that non of you mentioned that when a Brett players plays as the second one he has a free ward save? So If you will the roll...
Hello, I use A skink chief of Doom:) It goes as follows: Sword of Might Cloack of Feathers, and maye a charmed shield, and light armour. It stands...
Hello, Fire is a good option for certin army types. You have 2 very good spells in that lore (Cage and Sword). A handy signature, and some decent...
Here in Poland a Light Slann is a tier 1 chocice. I don't know why, too me you have to have other mages, so that the Banishmen can be effective....
Yes, you can only add 2 dice. But You cast spells that you need, not all spells right? So I'd use 2x Rumination, and be sure that I will cast the...
Hello, A Nice list, but I'd find some points to give the 10 man squads musicians to. As for the Euro comp, I rather take 2 Dispel scrolls(Cube...
Hello, I just wanted to Add that Lore of Light, is getting pupular and pupular in my region.... thats because of Phas protection, and the all...
I would love to see some Heavy hitting Saurus!!! With GW and HA, put them i rare and cost the at 25 points, I just want to see Epic Saurus in...
Hello There, I've been thinking of fielding a funny "shooty" list. And I Have 2 options to go with, And I'm wondering which will preform better:...
Hello, saurus BSB is good in 2 options: -Gw +AoD -Gw +Hide of the Cold Ones The first one his much better due to the 4+ ward, but If you face a...