Hello, From what I've played with Tk, thier Weakness is that they can't march. So our fast scout units can out run them with ease. And the 2...
Doom and Darkness Done't decease the LD for the signatue spell, As it is written in the FaQ that the unmodief Ld is that that is on the model with...
Hello, I Find Razordons better than Salamanders only when fighting an Euro comp. battle. Where Salamander units are 0-1 choice. And you deploy for...
Hello, Vampires Have LD 10 S5T5 so they aren't good targets for sniper spells in my opinion. Also Don't worry about skeletons, nobody uses them,...
Hello, When I play an Old Blood on a Carnosaur i use the Old but still fresh build: Great Weapon, Dawnstone, Armour of Destiny The other...
It always make me wonder, how can skinks throw a poisoned javelin, but when they fight with it in close combat, as javelins are hand weapons, they...
Hello, Kroxigor army list need a Slann, with lore of Light or Shadow! A Skink bsb is useless I'm afraid. Try something like this: Slann Eotg...
Hello Only Skink Skirmisher, and Skink Kohort count toward the "skink" limit. Preist Slamander and terradont Don't. I would highly recomend...
Or you Can make a Rambo Type with Dawnstone and The other tricksters shard/Plaque of tepok, And Steed of Shadow it behind enemy lines:) (For house...
I have tons of problems with Woch too, don't worry, they own us, Especially when they are immune to poison and death spells like the lord that...
Hello, I'd Make Salamander 2x1 Its its always better, 2 deplyments, 2 panic tests, Your enemy has to divide spells, and other stuff. The Slann...
Hello, Just want ti add my 2 cents. "Death is an okay choice versus HEs. Purple Sun isn’t worth much given the high Initiative scores elves tend...
Hello, I will try to explain it:) First of all the "E" in ETC stands for European. Each country in Europe has it's own restrictions, because they...
@Ari, Horend one Calvalery?? Awesome idea, but It would be very funny to see mounts attacking before raiders:) To be serious, frankly I think that...
Hello, It Depends, weather You run your Slann Solo or in TG. But one thing is Sure, Cupped hands are very usefull, especially, withe dreaded...
I allready said about an all skink list, but He Mathhammered me:(
Well, Skinks Can Move 12" and Shoot, Can stand 3" from the Ogre death star in the Flank and Shoot at it. And If he whishes to charge a 70 point...
Hello, The Plaque of Protection is from Spriti Leehs and Bunjas.... a Normal Player won't let his Slann be charged. If your opponent Uses 18...
Speaking about Mazamundi... 8th edition is pretty magic oriented, so If the make a new Lizardmen Book, They shoudl buff up our magic models, and...
Hello, I'd like to see the Spawnings come back, and they could be in the same way as in the 6ed book. This would surely make our book no so 0-1....