Helllo, You know that the Runemaw passes a Spell that has been cast On the unit, but If you use a Pit of Shades that targets an Area terrain, not...
Hello, Terradons, because it is almost impossible to buy them without MO...;/ And they are metal. Slann because he is Metal and He is quite heavy,...
Hello, Drop the Spears, Saurus with spears aren't that good. They cost more and loose parry save. And since Ogres rely mostly on Ironuts than this...
Hello, "When my Skink Chief took down his Exalted hero who eventually had a 2+ armor and a 2+ ward" I Just wanted to inform that You can't have a...
Hello, The trick with the EotG is to synergyze It with the rest of your army. If you take a Life Slann or a Shadow one the EotG is ideal If you...
Hello, Solo Slann >>>>> Slann+TG. He is just too good to waste him with TG. I'd Take Divine plaque of Protection rather than obydian amulet.(it...
The steam tank also has Unit size 10 Special rule, so don't bother using this as a source:)
Hello, Of course I run them Solo, Cold One Cav is a waste of points and Special %. If I run them on CO Than one has charmed shield and the other...
Hello, It's not Cold Blooded, but 3d6 for break tests, not panic tests. Form the roumors that are in the web, the new empire will be like It...
Hello, If I run my Scarvet on Foot (On smaller point games) i equip him with: Burning Blade of Chotec, Dragonhelm, Seed of Rebirth, Potion of...
http://i1204.photobucket....empirecover.jpg http://i1204.photobucket....619080437_n.jpg http://i1204.photobucket....891982539_n.jpg...
Hello. A Little update of My Pics: [attach] This is my EotG, Its Still kid of a WIP, because I have to apply some glazes, make the Gems shine...
Hello, If The kill 4 and you kill one, you still have +2 Cr for ranks +1 for standard so its a draw, and even so, you have steadfast, and the next...
Hello, I once saw a Life Slann, EotG, 2x6 Krox and a 26skink+3Krox unit. It was brutal:) Or was it Light on the Slann, I can't remember, but it...
Redirecting is a good way, but with 1 Skirmisher unit that will be a problem. Cold ones are a very good hard hitting units at low points, but they...
Hello, It looks like a Solid list. I prefer a diffrent stzle of play, so my list would be completly diffrent. I have only 2 questions, how will...
Hello, First of, Skimk Skirmishere are NOT your killing machines, they are for redirecting chargers and extra deployments, just to force your...
Hello, I'd deploy Chamelon skinks in more even formations like 7 7 6. a 10 man squad is hard to hide and place it nicely somewhere behind the...
Hello, Warbanner is obsolete, especially with no Etheral and no Stubborn, I would make it a Banner of swiftness and add 2 skinks:)
The Potion is 5 points. And I use a Scar vet with burning Blade, Dragonhelm, potio of Speed, seed of rebirth, La and Shield for 138 points. As for...