Hello, If I may add,If You are using Death Slann, I'd go with Banehead on him. As for the Shield of the mirrored pool, Well'v there aren't many...
Hello, I'd suggest that you make Your Slann a BSB. For Example Slann 1 dicipline, Plaque of Protection, BSB, Plaque of Tepok. 345/375. You have 5...
Hello, Shadow All the way, to benefit from the lore of light you need to have 3 or 4 wizards with the lore of light, in my opinion ofcourse....
Hello, Well as for the Slann "counts As" I don't know of any good replacement, but As for Lizardmen:...
@Lord You have the feeling that TK are a little underpowered? I mean I like TK, but I think that GW screw some thing up with this AB. I mean sure,...
I know that:) esp when a unit is 12 3x4 than a Salamander will do quite good. The only problem is that the IG have an LD of 8 + thier standard...
Easier said than done. I do have one question, If i cas Curse of the midnight wind on the highier level, turning it ino a sphere 12" from the...
Hello, I have a question, one of my oponents plays Ogres, and we are testing our armylists for a tournament(I will post my list when I will finish...
Hello, Daemon Core units cost 1 point more than Saurus warriors, so they are not that expensive. As for TK i played vs TK in a 800 point game, He...
Hello, I'm a Big Fan of cowboy Scar Vets, And I take 2 at least:) Too bad that you are limited to 150 potins, because the Real Deal is 160:) For...
Hello, The BSB is the Battle standard Bearer. You can nominate 1 skink chief, Scar Vet or Slann to be the BSB, he can give rerolls for LD tests....
Yes It sounds like a good deal, but You must know that this Death Star is almost entierly dependant on the Slann and his spells, a Deathstar unit...
TG Bunker? More like TG fox hole... I'm sorry but a 10 man TG unit is not good, the minimum size for me is 12. 4 in a rank, just to cover the...
Hello, I Would put Highier state in the Awesome section. And then You would have the only 4 usefull disciplines in the Awesome section:)
Hello, I have little experience vs wood elfs, but i know one thing, Dryads are bad @$$ 2 Attacks ITP and a 5+ Ward save, vs non magical attacks,...
Hi, Well, What if the lone wizard is a Woch Wizard with 1+/3++ and the infernal puppet?:) Now, he will be hard to kill by chameleon skinks, and...
Hello, To be honest I don't like putting all of your Hero and Lord units in one Tg bunker. You have very little mobility, you could give the Slann...
Hello, I just got and invitation for a tournament that will be in a Nearby town. I don't have enough painted Lizardmen so my friend i lending me...
Hi, On Last years ETC i had 3x10 Skirmishers 2x16 Kohort 3x10 Chamelon skinks 2x4 Terradons, 3 Slamander 2 Razordons and 1 Razordon. And a Fire...
Hello, I just though of a 2400 ETC List. It's rather stange and you might say that it's not mainstream:) Lords: 300 Slann: Lore of Light,...