thanks guys..the positive feedback is inspiring. The stripes under his eyes are inspired from a picture I found of a painted blue skink online. I...
reminder the pics of that skink are not of the finished model. I might do non metalic gold or silver for his jewelery...and his nails almost...
lol I should put my head down and carry on painting
Okay so there was some delay in getting started..its called dont forget to buy glue while you buy a set of skinks. Ya seems I bought glue,paint...
I myself am baffled with the pre order in a few weeks time, you would have thought that Age of Sigmar details would be out by now to stir up...
I suddenly feel like I need to convert a Carnosaurus to a yoshi type beast with a long tonque lol
We could be called Koopa Saurus as our new faction name..and lead by a Bowser like Saurus..Sauser? lol.
Yup lol I would not be able to stop laughing if the new gaming system really plays like that video.
Hey I thought I would chime in as best I could..not a gamer but a painter and collector. There are some stranger rumours to from others claiming...
Oh I am up for this..since I am recollecting lizardmen. It might be something to boost us up...perhaps a very much needed fun event!
Here is a photo I took of Samson. Yesterday bought a box of skinks, paints in Samson inspired colors, and glue to get started. More updates as I...
Thats an awesome thought Essmir, I can totally see the Kroxogars building and doing construction type work. I wonder if they would be happy with...
Oooh.. I like a good read with typOs! Mine would have them them to!
Right you are crowsfoot! My new camera has wifi ability, and luck be with me I found a memory card from before we pictures of him on it. HopingbI...
Okay fellow lizardmen fans here goes my first ever paint blog. I am just restarting a lizardmen army after selling all of my warhammer stuff a few...
Thanks for the welcomes slanputin, NIGHTBRINGER, and kwalaar. At the moment I am only collecting Lizardmen.. starting all over, fresh start. 5...
Lol pfft..over powered skinks cant be that bad!? Hey was it not the warpstones that changed both the skaven and beastmen? Have any Lizardmen come...
oh thanks slanputin for the update and reply!
Hmm my mind is full of crazy ideas..pyramids with engines. I wonder if our Lizard friends could return to battles from space aka by those pyramids...
I think they do have persoanlities, but I also think they are very organized as a whole like the warriors in the 300 movie lol. They might yell,...