I really favored blowpipes until i realised thst it is no longer 1+ to hit large targets. Now i am not sure what to think, but lately i use a jav...
As 8ed is new to me. I find this VERY confusing, do a block of skinks have 180 degree sight? Or should i watch from their eyes? Do a singel modell...
Soo, i was trying different concepts for my skink handlers. Non of them are done yet, and either one i go for would need more work. I can not...
As you are to play versus dark elves i would go for blowpipes for the simple reason that it can really put some hurt on a hydra. If you walk and...
Salamders are excellent against de. I been playing vs de at 1000 points quite some times now and i usually use two of them, one bastillidon, 7...
I am very much amazed by your work! It is awesome! Did you carve the scales on the skink-chief or paint them there?
I do not know if you fixed it. If not, here is a link for lizzi 8th edition http://catalogue.randomhit.org/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=303
Do you have any scar vet or old blood with the saurus unit? Could possible help a lot killing them knights. With a great weapon they get 5+ save...
Just wanted to say that this far i have won 5 out of 5 matches with this list. I made some changes tho, that i feel made it even stronger. Played...
Thank you Ninu, i appreciate it! =D I bought them from a store that sells plastic plants for fish aquarium. But i had to modify them and paint...
So, i finally started working on my bases for them skinks. I got a lot of inspiration and tips from here on the forum and here is the result:...
This was a fail-double-post that needs to be erased*****
I use a app at my cell-phone called battlescribe, i think it can be downloaded on the computer also. So far, i like it a lot =) especially that...
Wow!! That is great news for a monster with terror, as it can be used for it's terror against units it's movement +12" away! =) Thanks guys!
Hello Lustria! In my last game against a Dark Elves we came to wonder, how do the terror on a charge work? Do one need to roll for terror when...
I did vampteddys option A, it felt fun to have a mobil hero. Qlso i used a old skink rider on a cold one for proxy, so it felt extra motivated. I...
Thanks a lot VampTeddy! I must confess that i do not know how exactly the solar engine works, do i use my winds of magic dices to throw it? And...
Soo, i will play my new lizardmen army for first time tomorrow against a Dark Elves playes. 1000 pts. I was thinking about these lines: Oldblood...
Ohh... Now spears is not as clearly a better option.. I did not know that about secondary attacks. Guess i must read more about that.
Well, my main concern is facing dark elves, that will always strike first. I think it would be nice to save each 6th wound. But it is also nice to...