You're also slowing down the Krox to Move 4, which would remove any chance of their speed helping to maneuver them. Maybe just get a scar vet...
It would be pretty pointless to add the BSB to a SKrox unit. The punch of the unit comes from the Krox, and they don't get any more attacks from...
Yeah I was just throwing in the stat commentary since others had mentioned the mobility and other factors already. Against that dwarf set-up, a...
On my Saurus I'm doing some minor pose changes (move and arm here and a leg there), using basing to change the pose on some (putting rocks on some...
Generally, against anything that's Strength 6+ and Weapon Skill 4+ you should use the SKrox. They loose less "points per wound" and will end up...
Depends on the meta-game in your area. I rarely face a lot of warmachines so it isn't as much of a problem. Also everything that Lord Tsunami...
Hellcannons aren't magical. It sounds silly but it should be mentioned: anything with Flaming Blade and/or the Metal Lore augment (that I forgot...
Around here we call it the "Tower of Power." I've faced it at 'ard Boyz twice and by far the worst are the High Elves. Two high mages sitting in...
That vampire lord is at the least not priced right. He's 335 pts just to be naked and a lvl 4. Red Fury, the each wound generates an attack, is...
OK let me preface this by saying I have the new book and have played my vamps for about two years without interruption so in theory I know some of...
Its not the damage that matters, its that they aren't permitted to perform the action. Put that on a Volley Gun as you're closing on the Dwarf...
Pretty much every spell in Light is worth taking. Even Burning Gaze can be boosted and cast on 3 dice, then its Strength 6, flaming, with a 48"...
In the southeast US most of the tournaments are running at 2500 pts. I rather like that total because if gives you enough points to try different...
I'd actually say Beastmen if you're not worried bout fluff... OK stop laughing! Here's why I say Beasts would work well: 1) Stable magic:...
No cavalry just takes it on a 1 or a 2 and takes them in any terrain but open and hills, though chariots would take a d6 wounds instead of just...
Yeah but the get a Leadership check to avoid the frenzy charge now, so its not quite as much fun. If they're away from the general/BSB then its...
I think Wyssan's could be the real game winner in Beasts. As was said, one spell and Saurus become Strength five and Toughness five! Wow! On...
I could definitely see this as one of the times that Fire really shines, especially if you went nuts and put two Slann both with fire on the...
I was thinking much more when you start getting into overruns, or when something tries to make a flank run against the enemy line. Let's face it,...
I'm just not seeing the return from that kind of an investment that makes it worth while. Yes there's Alignment hits and the 5+ ward save, but...