So I'm batteling my skaven freind and i'm a little bit concerned if what I have conjured upp so far is any good. I know that my opponet is goin...
So I recently got a hold of a black orc standard and figured that it would look nice on my slann as the BsB, as I never really cared for the one...
Man, I just love this xD
Lovely work
Run him in the saurus block, his extra attacks is your heaviest unit will be a great help
Re: Something Big this way comes....(***Update May 26th***) This is worth to be posted on gws website
With only 15 saurus I don't really think you need to put spears on them, but hey if you got nothing else to spend 15 points with, go for it. And...
List aint to bad, mate. The sallie will be worth it's wait in gold and the chameleons is gonna be a real pain for war machines and heavy gun...
One thing you can do if hes alone on foot is this: Give him javelines and Venom of the fire fly frog (Magic item) this will give 3 shooting...
I gotta agree with all and say that this pay increase is just a load of sh*t! Sure, the resin might have some neat advanteges, such as being...
Sounds like a plan, cheers :)
So I recently got my hands on some temple guards and they came with alot of these sawn up shrunken heads. I really love the design of them but...
That is impresive. And a nice paint job too. Good work, mate
Man, when I saw those chameleons I just could not stop laughing.
I gotta say, thats some fine work. I have also planned of giving my Saurus a light brownish look on their skin. Nice to see how great it worked...
Nice to see some personality on the site. Welcome, mate. Btw, nice beard :)
Nah, it's a strenght test or be slain. No saves of any kinds allowed
Re: The army of Tsunami Wonderfull, just flippin' wonderfull! I gotta say that those with the water base are something you should really feel...
I say we can stand to lose a few of our army list magic items sence the same one can be found in the genaral magic item list, for example, sword...
I really love what you have done, mate. I have two Sallies I have to get painted myself but i'm sort of stuck on what coulor they should be in.