Just a thought, if you plan on bringing some Krox, paint them orange or some other shade of red. I think it would go quite well with a red host of...
Greetings, mate. :smug:
People I know sometimes ask me how I can "waste" so much money on warhammer. While they themself buy a knew cellphone/Iphone ever bloody time some...
Man, you are amazing, just amazing.
Man, that sure was something! Gratz to you good sir. Btw, I agree with what you said about the Skink/Krox cohorts. They are very, very effective...
I like the idea of a skink headhunter, sounds lika an assasin model to me. Skinks on light cav sound kinda fun, but in my opinon what we need is...
Nope, no standing and shooting.
This fantastic Lizardmen inspiered gobbo army was posted on Gws website a week ago or so. I don't know how many of yall that have seen it, but I...
I agree, if they don't have the specific "Demon" or "Undead" noted on their profile they are not effected.
Very nice skink ya got there, mate. I would suggest that you don't paint the fin orange, it will look alot better if you make it a bit darker to...
HA! No update! Just lill ol' me commenting saying that I too am very exited to see the next part of this wonderfull battle report :D
Can't find anything that says that the OB would become frenzied aswell as the carnosaur. It says in the army book "Once the carnosarus has...
I can't disagree with that.
I know but if it was to be dispelled/ failed you would be in deep trouble. And only knowing one more spell it's not garanteed that it would be...
Hey, have been working for a 750pt list for gaming at my local Gw store and this is what i have come up with so far. Critizise me please, I need...
Yeh, Tehenhauin comes with some interesting perks, but over all I don't really know of hes worth it. Don't get me wrong I see find alot of uses...
You lose the unbreakable too i might ad :P
I painted my temple guard with dark blue skin and grey scales, then i washed both parts with black. I think it suits their more "rusted" feeling...
I really apreciate that you posted this, it was just what i needed to know. That you so much :D
Sweden, were we have blond women and make shitty furniture :P