Every attack after the initiative step where the opponent dies i wasted. So if you have a elf lord on a dragon fighting someone and the elf kills...
sign me up for a set as well
Loremaster gives you all the spells from the lore including signature spells.
No. The bezerk rage rule states that the unit with frenzy must charge if it is able to do so, unless it passes a leadership test. Since the...
The solar engine is not a magic item, so the spell is an inate bound spell, like warrior priests prayers. If you miscast those, the model can not...
This just in from warseer Kroxigor are back to S5. 25 Skaven Slaves. Skink cohorts can be upgraded to have poison close combat attacks Skinks...
Walk between worlds seems nice on salamanders, 26 inch move in the first turn, 6 from the pack and 20 from the spell, could bring you all the way...
you can not powerscroll a boosted spell. Reference Section – Arcane Items, Power Scroll Change to “POWER SCROLL 35 points One use only. A Power...
Hey all. The group i play with is very fond of using special chars, and it saddens me that our selection is so poor/overcosted. So with that in...
Hey guys. Need some input on my list against Ogres. solo Slann with rumination, plaque of tepok, lore of beasts. slann with rumination, mystery,...
Flamers of Tzeench from Daemons of chaos
How does cupped hands interact with "Teclis the cheesehead". does he still get to use his staff that ignores the first miscast each turn?
So. i am playing a friendly game with one my friends and i am thinking of trying new type of hammer unit. Its 5 scar-vets on coldones with great...
The Death fist ogre refers to a ogre spellcaster equipped with the "greedy fist" talisman that takes away a wizard level for each hit it does, not...