And what are the things like the golden tower of the gods, the temple of skulls and the temple avenue of gold?
I love that map but also I hope theres no particular way to paint southlands skinks as I have already painted one priest blue. would any of you...
Yes it is.
ok thanks
i like it! is there any more threads like this?
If i got the lizardmen cold ones I would have 12 left over.
Yes three would be a good starting number.
if i get round to making them (probably wont but i can dream eh?)'ll post pics but dont expect anything great(or anything at all). i do like the...
looks like ive come to a dead end i really can't think of an thing apart from using the spare crew of the bastiladon solar engine but even if that...
the only problem with that idea is that so far i dont plan on buying a carno/troglodon
Thanks i`ll have a look at the the 5th edition pdf because i`ve only got the 8th edition book.
Not good. But yes you might be right
Thanks for the reply, is there any spare riders from the terradon riders set? because i`ll be getting two boxes of them. could i not just use the...
maybe i could use these rules[img] All i need now is the models and thats where i need help.
Also is there any good lore about southlands lizardmen?
Is there an easy way to convert cold ones to horned ones? What skinks would be best to use? What rules would i use? (I am having a southlands...
Ok so i read in the rule book that the lord or hero with the highest leadership is your general so that would make Tiktaq`to my general because he...
thanks, I thought maybe Tiktaq`to as my general or a skink priest, would tiktaq`to be too vulnerable while he is strafing the enemy units?
Hi guys i`ve just started planing my 8th edition warhammer lizardmen and i`ve decided I like the lore about the Zlatlan southlands temple city and...