I'd run them as 2 separate units, but near each other. That way, you have the benefit of being able to concentrate fire, but won't lose both to a...
DE make me cringe. Ring of Hotek means you get a LOT of miscasts if he gets in range, cupped hands can only save you once. + dispel scroll or...
Thanks for all the great tips!
Vs single wound models, you want salamanders. They do a better job at getting rid of armor and reliably hit more models (march to the side of a...
I'm not sure he's much overkill in a 1000 point game. You can trust that there will be a monster out there somewhere in someone's army. And he...
I find that units of 15 have that extra bit of "oomph" when shooting. doing 3 of 10 would potentially work, but it makes for a bit more tricky...
Yeah, I looked at the list and went "where does the Slann go", but on his own, with Consciousness, he should be reasonably okay. Hail of doom...
Fighting skaven means salamanders. As many as you can fit. Template weapons are going to be his bane. Unfortunately, he's going to be steadfast...
Slann, (probably life) BSB, Cognition + Rumination + dispel scroll Always a good place to start. I'm very used to having at least one level one...
I've been slightly wary of putting the razordons on the table. It's a great model and good killing power. However, since when they misfire on the...
Still learning the ropes with the lizardmen. Trying new army next week and hopefully will actually end up in a 1v1 game not a 3v3 or 4v4 that...
I've just recently started playing Lizardmen and picked up a lord on a carnosaur model. (I have a slann coming from ebay hopefully to change it...
I just recently saw a Lizardmen army for sale at my LGS. Decided to pick it up. Figured out 1500 points of models would be a start and I could...