Wow, you really managed to make them look dynamic and a lot less stupid, love it! And the paintjob is awesome as always :)
He does not get a look out Sir because he is different type. Therefor he can also be cannon-sniped. He can not be targeted by shooting or spells...
this ^^
That's just wrong bullshit interpretation of the rules... No idea why people make up discussions out of this, must have too much spare time! If...
That is actually a very good example where Gor-Roks special rule is very useful! Or, as I mentioned earlier, against a unit of Elite Knights and...
Don't forget that you use the WS2 of the Skink when defending, never the WS3 of the Ripper.
That's a wild interpretation and not RAW at all. Your charge move ends when moving into contact with the unit. The dangerous terrain checks happen...
Wouldn't Fencer Blades be a good option for a battle Slann too? 2 Attacks that acutally hit and be harder to get hit himself?
Models that end their charge in BASE TO BASE CONTACT have to test. So its always 1-3 models, nothing more! Not that great against basic infantry...
Your Slann can't have both the Cube and the channeling staff, same categorie. Without the staff I find Harmonic Convergence not really worth it's...
"Saurus x50 oldblood (listed above) Spears musician standard Razor banner" How is this unit supposed to have the Razorbanner? Only MODELS who...
Re: You advise me and I'll sculpt it I couldn't agree more! Theres just no model that really compares to how awesome our Cowboys are. Sure, you...
A character can leave a unit in any direction. Don't forget that he can never move/march further than usual, measuring from his original position...
Fantastic work! Love your painting, the colours, the style, everything!
Well, true enough. I haven't seen more than 4 ranks though. Why should they put more points into the unit when 4 ranks is enough to kill mostly...
You'r not taking everything into account.. as I said, as soon as you get rid of one rank, your winning. Thats 6 dead witches; easy enough with the...
Just checked: It halves the casting value (round up). Only of a single spell though, not the whole magic phase.
Well, he HAS Sword of Striking. Also don't forget the Egg of Quango and the charge. The first rank of the WE will usually melt in the first round...
Hellebron will, thats true. But if there is no character in the horde (somehow most DE tend to run their characters somewhere else). he can deal...
I know your thread very well and really enjoy reading it ;) You can still run your Carnosaur with a ScarVet. I too like Monsters and usually...