So, the game against WoC was postponed (you might have seen the list I posted) but many thanks to Ripper Derek anyways ;) Next up Dwarfs! Only...
Hey folks, I´m thinking of getting myself an airbrush for christmas. Unfortunately I´ve never worked with one and so I´m kinda clueless what to...
Re: Escalation League (758 points) advice wanted Still rooting for Bastilladon! Your Scarvet wrecks face as he is. Adding a monster at these...
Re: Escalation League (758 points) I would totally get a Bastilladon with Solar Engine so you actually can start using powerdice ;) With the...
I would consider getting rid of the Sword oof Striking for your chief and give him the Dragonbane Gem. This helps a lot to protect him from most...
The Steg is out of quuestion but I could drop the Bastilladon for 2 Sallies, what you think about that? I prefer so possible str 5 hits from the...
I never deploy my Slann in the TG but somewhere close. I usually want to 6dice Fiery Convocation in the first Magicphase. So the Slann lurks...
He also gives his unit -1 to hit which is VERY nice. Looking at his point cost I think he is definately a playable character. Just make sure you...
I think both Cowboys should do well against the Skullcrushers. Again, Searing Doom deals pretty well with them too, provided you can redirect them...
Multiple Options: Arcane Unforge and react accordingly to what you can destroy of his defences. (Dragenbane Gem followed up by Searing Doom would...
Got my first game next week in a competetive league I recently joined. It will be 2500 pts battleline against a WoC player I know absolutely...
Step1: Ancient Steg Step2: sharpen those Horns! Step3: tarpet or redirect those chickens Step4: charge those chickengs with angry Steggie Step5:...
Pretty sure you can still stomp the infantry models in "mixed units" as you call them. Just because characters join them doesn't make the unit...
You could drop 1 unit of skirmishers for Skink Chief, l.A., enchanted shield, javelin, Egg 79pts. With Terradons and Chamos you should have...
If you FAIL frenzy test, you have to charge nearest unit. But if you declare a charge anyways you may target every valid unit, even if it's...
Elite Infantrie has always been tough for us to deal with and still is. I try to avoid combat as long as possible to whittle them down to smaller...
Re: All skinks list (well almost) Your Oldblood is illegal: Dawnstone and Talisman are same category. Why not take another lvl2 instead of 2...
Just did a quick math and I think you miscalculated a bit: 3 naked Cowboys + 2 naked Vets + Priest with scroll is 555pts. That leaves you with a...
I like Tetto'ekko, well equipped BSB and OB. Tetto brings str 6 magic and comet, which is good for some armor piercing. Well equipped BSB and OB...
Can we have a sticky on this? I think it's a very good article and hate having to search for it every now and than..