Re: Noob to Lizardmen at 2200 points. Help tweek list pleas Altogether I like the list. Dropping 1 Priest might be a good idea but thats...
Re: 3000pts, TG Deathstar, semi-competetive Short Review! Today I played VCs and tabled my opponant =) We played a normal battleline with 2...
When our escalation league started I played sth like this: Scarvet, 2+ save 16 sth Saurus 10 skirmishers 3 Terradons 1 Salamander That list was...
I like the list. It's very versatile for 1600pts and Gor-Rok is a strong support for your main Saurus block. Magic is sufficiant with scroll and...
Re: 3000pts, TG Deathstar, semi-competetive Going to run this List against VC and maybe OK at the weekend. Any further comments?
You don't have enough Core units (needs to be 750) The 2 Saurus blocks seem kinda small for a 3000pt game, maybe pump them up to reach the 750pt...
Re: 3000pts, TG Deathstar, semi-competetive I don't agree that it won't do much: The champ will attack with 4 attacks ASF at I3 + PF. With...
The newest FAQ confirmes specifically that 5 units are steadfast against anything with no ranks (linke monsters). The FIRST rank (those 5 models)...
If you want to take them you can give it a try. At this point lvl they should actually be quite good since there wont be much stuff that can deal...
Re: 3000pts, TG Deathstar, semi-competetive I could drop the Engine, additonal Handler and 1 javelin or armor of the chiefs and take Soul of...
Interesting List. I am of the oppinion that the Trog is too expensive for it's abilities but would love to see some battle reps or feedback. The...
Re: Escalation League (week 2, 125 points) Aren't warband rules basically the Mordheim rules? If so I quite like it although it's actually...
Re: Escalation League (week 2, 125 points) Although I really like small type games because it really makes you think about what to take I don't...
This is my first 3000 pts list and it includes some experimental stuff. I made this list for my local club as an allcomers list. Some players in...
Nope, it's like you stated. In the last book the giant blowpapes didn't have the "multiple shots" rule but fired "2D6 shots", therefore there was...
The 1 or 2 n810 mentioned only applies to casting attempts. If you fail a dispell attempt it doesn't matter how high/low you rolled! That wizard...
I rly like your list, especially your Heros choices. 2 questions though: If you want Terradons why not take them instead of the Rippers? Why not...
Your absolutely right. Just checked errata and you do use highest W and T. You still defend with the WS of the rider though
For monstrous Cav you always use the highest wounds, meaning 2 for Ripps and Tears. Unfortunately for everything else you use the riders...
Very interesting looking list. It's defenitely a change ;) I honestly don't have much experience with such an army but I'd consider the...