thank you all for relieving the end of term boredom... and very good writing all round :)
Llamas for the Llama god!!!
No, THIS IS BACON!!!! *kicks into carnosaur nest*
mmm, shiny bacon...
as sparkly as the stars are, there is still a disappointing lack of bacon. :D :D :D :D :D keep up the good work.
very good idea, and the story just makes me want to know what will happen next... :D :D :D
NOOO, not the ninja! great story, I'm hooked!
very much wow. keep on typing, i must know the outcomes D: :D :D :D
that Jurassic park reference made my day. Glory to AartziFartzi! and well done on all your stories! :D
I feel like this is breaking the serious tone of the conversation but I'm going to say it anyway. My eyes moisten just a little whenever bacon...
amazing stuff/fluff, try to convince her to write a story about them :)
I feel like any combination of the above would suffice
I feel like there should be moar bacon sparkles still pretty great =D
don't you mean Tombo? The idea of different diverse groups of beast men is intriguing, and in one of the BRB's during the fluff/history part is...
where they will smash things for all eternity.
would you need different poisons to take out greenskins, them being fungi and all?
Many are the gods of the first, but their are some that stand out among the rest as the powerfull and honorable lords of Lustria Online. Sotek...