Why can't we all agree, that all pies are equal. It matter not what there made of but of how delicious they are
*barely suppressed laughter* Did you really expect me to give a serious answer?
Death to the warm bloods! Nice story, keen to see MOAR
I yeild, and fall back to the pie thread...
The Great number eight is (drum roll) BACON NACHOS PIZZA PIE CURRY Seriously, what did you expect?
They all have different plays styles and I have had fun in all three, but I like Age of Sigmar because it's quicker( I don't have much time) but...
THANKS A BUNCH!!! I like it, there bacon Thanks SoB
This is some of the best wrighting in lustri/skavenblight keep it up:D:D:D:D:D
How else do you kill pure awesomeness?
BACON RIND!!! How you not know this???
I just ate some bacon !! Get wrecked
Stop sabotaging my alliances! You RIND
I'm sorry but 1-7 and 9-12 are classified, but I can tell you eight(if you agree that smurfs are horrible)
Try me
Kill all the smurfs KILL ALL THE SMURFS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You tell him nightbringer!!!!!!!
that is the 14th best thing I have ever heard in the history of pie!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bacon for the bacon God Me
*high five*
The old ones will protect there favored servants!(and not you)