MWA HA HA HA your message will never get through, PIES ARE TO GREAT!!!!!!!!
Thanks a lot Scalenex, this is really convenient. There is so much here that I allmost don't want MOAR, (almost) EDIT and then I ran out and I...
Thanks a lot guys, but how much does a soul cost in bacon?
Once agian a very good story, but I don't see how this adds to the plot. But mostly I'm impatient and want to no what happens to the dark elves, I...
Once again it was really great, while I don't understand were its going, that just makes me want MOAR!!!
While I don't know to much about the Admeck of Mars I do have a (very) small grey Knights army. I think you conected it to 40k stupendously well,...
To much cuteness,!!!!! overload of cuteness !!!!!! KABOOM OF CUTE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
While I go with Jedi, the new republic ones are much nicer!
australovenator Ftw, with a close second being utarraptor. Just love those mid sized carnivores! I call him BLARGH!
This is some really great work, you've got me hanging on every word, I love zpakatax'is name, but wouldn't mazdamundi watch over him a bit moar?...
These are some amazing stories!!!, I hope to participate in the next comp but I'm not sure if I'll be able to keep up :D
It's almost to good for my brain, it's a close second to bacon?,!!
I want moar of this almost as much as I want moar bacon, keep up the good work!!!
Thumbs up Scalenex' your stories are almost as great as bacon!!!
Thanks for the warm welcome guys. And thanks for the info Scalenex. :D
I've been watching this site for a while now and, while I'm not a devoted painter or gamer, im very interested in history stories and fluff, and...