what is your loadout and how many do you field? because I have a squad of 40 Saurus with spears so they can attack 2 lines in. I like using them...
maybe a slann devoted to sotek and has tons of skink buffs and snake spells (poison aswell)
I'm impressed with how good and professional this website looks compared to the others
yes we need more skinks and a ziggurat would be lit. id say it channels the energy of the stars and adds a few bonuses like extra damage to a...
yes if we do get an upgraded battletome we will get scenery and hopefully new and reworked models
That could be cool like a small meele monster
you mean the reptile in Real life skink???
yea it's some kind of lizard or dragon for sure. may as well be a new dragon for the high Aelf army and possible battletome
yea my bet is that this is a skink chief on Terradon. The sentence that came with the rumor engine post said something about "scaling new heights"
Absolutely I find the idea of living lizards hunting in jungles of gryan quite interesting
I want GW to bring back the jungle swarm which could hide in skink units or something. I also want a skink chief on Terradon and I want his...
excuse me were not lizard things we are called defenders of the world!!!
oh not so long ago then. looks like a scar veteran back or because of the hunched over looking back makes me think of a buff mounted skink.
it could mean the Battletome upgrade for order this year could be one for us!!!
is this from the rumor engine
these are totally seraphon scales.
KK my plan is to use my Slann to improve my battle of attrition battle style and make the otherwise mediocre Saurus knights with lances a force to...
skink chief on Terradon is amazing in total war Warhammer 2 it's unfortunate that he is not in AOS. they could also have a Slann on Stegadon. I...
the skink chief and prophet models can be found in the Stegadon kit. just slap them on a round base and you are good to go