Love this turtle, giving me motivation to start mine
Welcome! I gotta day I love the half and half war paint on the Saurus warrior face. Great looking army!
Thank you! I wanted them to be empty inside, so across my army the eyes are blank , and bright. Glad you like it :)
Thanks! I will definitely give that some thought!
Means a lot thank you! :)
[ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] [ATTACH] Here is my centrepiece for my army. Kroq-gar. Let me know what you guys think. A lot of love went into my fav...
Sorry I never saw the AoS option :/
Thank you :)
So I have had a few 1000 point battles running a slann with an engine of the gods. It seems to be effective and there is enough points left over...
I think you should be able to make it then, for the banner wings I used Saurus banners. Let me know if you give it a shot I’d love to see
Good tips, definitely will try it out
Thanks very much! Yah I loved the albino look and kinda went from there
Thank you :) will do!
I haven’t used teleporting yet, Thank you! I’ll check it out for sure
I guess I just like it because it seems simple, and I want my army to all match. Got a lot of basing to do haha
Thanks! I did wash the priest with a darker blue, what would you recommend for a more impactful wash? A darker colour maybe?
I purchased the starclaw strikehost battalion, which gives you the option for an old blood on foot if you decide to make the troglodon. So I just...
Oh yah I still gotta trim him up I guess haha. Well I doubt I’ll be posting much more for a while lol, just gonna bang out some old unfinished...
I was thinking maybe some sand and tuffs of grass, that seems like a popular combination. I gotta re base my entire old army so I got my work cut...
Thanks man! I don’t normally thin my paints except if I’m doing washes. I can notice the hard line in the picture tho now that you mention it. I...