[ATTACH] Initially I wanted to do a Kroq-gar on foot model, and use him as a sunblood or old blood. But I’m in need of an astrolith bearer so...
I really liked the purple in the battle tome so I decided to bring it to my model. I used two types of purple on top of a white/grey base. Let me...
Fair enough, in the couple games I’ve played I have enjoyed the variety in tactics with all the mobility we have. Just figuring out summoning now,...
Thank You! Very interesting I will have to look into that I really did enjoy the old style of play
Fair enough, I will have to try and plan for the double turn like you said. I do however really enjoy the combat and how you alternate choosing...
Hey thanks for the response! I'll check there for sure. Whats ninth age? I just assumed it was the newest AOS rules
Hi everyone, Noob question here. I am trying to make a competitive summoning list, and while researching some people say to bring an extra spell...
True, I remember having to have almost a 2500 point army just to field kroq-gar
I believe it was Mountain Miniature's Gaming, but funny you should mention a failed skink screen because this one had a very similar occurrence....
As someone who used to run strictly heavy hitting armies with Kroq-gar as my general, this makes me sad
Ahhh okay I was gonna say I watched a battle report of seraphon vs beastclaw raiders and it was a massacre, lizard parts everywhere. They were...
Are you saying some armies are overall weaker than others and get balance via the special rules in battleplans? If so that's good to know..
Hmm I was wondering what was with all these battleplans, makes sense considering how many there is. I can see the teleporting being very...
Hey everyone! Getting back into Warhammer after being away for a few years, needless to say AOS Is a big change but I am really enjoying it. It...
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